Helping you effectively engage and lead volunteers
Find resources and tools to help you recruit, train, inspire, maintain, and retain volunteers and enable your organisation and its volunteers to thrive.
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Find resources and tools to help you recruit, train, inspire, maintain, and retain volunteers and enable your organisation and its volunteers to thrive.
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About Us
Volunteering Gateway is designed to connect Volunteer Managers, Coordinators and Leaders across Australia with the tools and resources to help them succeed.
Our diverse range of tools and resources have been carefully selected to help you recruit, train, manage, and retain volunteers, improving the volunteer experience and fostering a vibrant community that makes a difference.
Volunteering Gateway is primarily aimed at people who lead, manage and coordinate volunteers. If you are a volunteer seeking opportunities or further information, visit our volunteer page for further guidance.
We’re excited to launch this year’s National Volunteer Week resources, designed to help you celebrate volunteers and this year’s theme: Connecting Communities. What’s in the resources tool kit? ✔ Certificates & Invitations
‘Volunteer Coordinator’ has been included in the first edition of the Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA). This achievement is a result of the combined advocacy efforts of Volunteering Australia
The Australian Government’s 2024–25 Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by reducing barriers for volunteers and increasing participation in volunteering. Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will
National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering and will be next held on 19-25 May 2025. This special event provides an opportunity to highlight the important role
As the holiday season approaches, consider volunteering to make a meaningful impact. While Christmas is a time of joy for many, it can be a challenging period for those facing
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) has officially handed the Not-for-profit Sector Development Blueprint to the Federal Government. This Blueprint shows clearly the enormous role the Not-for-profit (NFP) sector performs
Volunteering Australia’s Impact Strategy 2024-2027 was developed through an extensive strategic planning process. The Impact Strategy includes a vision, mission, purpose, principles and strategic directions as we look to amplify
We are pleased to share our 2023-24 Annual Report. This year’s Annual Report is a record of Volunteering Australia’s achievement and service to the volunteering ecosystem across Australia. It highlights
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